Welcome to Plymouth CAST
Plymouth CAST is a multi academy trust of thirty four Catholic schools and one nursery, formed in 2014, which includes all of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Plymouth, except the two joint faith schools. We educate children and young people across Cornwall, Devon and Dorset. We want them to flourish, enjoying school and achieving well.
We are passionately committed to the core aspiration of Catholic education which is the flourishing of the human person for the common good. To that end we have developed collaborative working and partnerships across our trust to ensure that local expertise and best practice in our schools are shared and developed, inspiring a community driven by an unwavering vision for excellence.
Our schools lay the foundations for all of our children to seek academic and spiritual growth. Each school seeks to improve the life chances of every child by raising their aspirations, equipping them with the qualifications, knowledge and skills they need to flourish as human beings and make the world a better place.
The Plymouth CAST website can only convey a small insight into the work of our vibrant and ambitious community. If you would like to find out more or arrange a visit to one of our schools, or indeed head office, please get in touch.
Zoe Batten
Chief Executive Officer
Zoe Batten
Chief Executive Officer
“Our mission is to be a community of outstanding schools in which our pupils flourish in safe, happy and stimulating environments and leave us with the knowledge and skills, personal qualities and aspirations, to make the world a better place, inspired by the Gospel.”
Mission Statement, 2018